🔀 Shuffle Tracks Button


Change, Unpredictability, Switching, Shuffling, Breaking Order, Possibilities, Newness

🔀 Meaning: A pair of ➡️ Right Arrows beginning at a parallel pace, converging towards and over each other at the middle and continuing in the new directions of each (essentially, they’re switching places).

The 🔀 Shuffle Tracks Button emoji represents the ‘Shuffle’ button in a music player. Also known as ‘Shuffle Play’, this emoji signifies shuffling, as the name suggests, along with a sense of ‘breaking order’, being free-flowing, and creating new possibilities with every shuffle.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 🔀 Shuffle Tracks Button Emoji

  • When we set our music on shuffle, the flow or the order of tracks changes each time we shuffle. Hence, 🔀 may symbolize a journey of different outcomes (sort of different realities). This means the mere shuffle button may have a multiverse angle to it.
  • Shuffling music creates newness or an air of being unpredictable (you cannot really predict the next song in a shuffled playlist). For instance, “At it’s best, life is completely unpredictable 🔀” or “Love is so unpredictable 🔀. And that’s what makes it great”.
  • To shuffle, may also mean to ‘change’. If you’re referring to something that’s constantly changing or someone who cannot remain unchanged, use 🔀. Like, “I long for change 🔀 It’s so strange. It hurts but still, I long for it” or “There’s nothing permanent except change 🔀”.
  • 🔀 could also be used to indicate a ‘switch’. For example, “We switched sides and could finally see through each other’s eyes 🔀“.

Other Names

  • 🔀 Shuffle Play
  • 🔀 Shuffle Button
  • 🔀 Shuffling Music
  • 🔀 Twisted Rightwards Arrows
  • 🔀 Shuffle Tracks Symbol
  • 🔀 Changing Tracks
  • 🔀 Skipping Order
  • 🔀 Shuffle Tracks