âēī¸ Record Button


Recording, Evidence, Proof, Video, Audio, Content Creation, Information, Message

âēī¸ Meaning: A small white circle designed with the background of a faded-blue square. The âēī¸ Record Button indicates the act of recording or being recorded. It can be from an evidential POV or an innocent one, like vocal practice, sending an audio note, or making a hilarious video.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the âēī¸ Record Button Emoji

  • Pressing the record button has many preludes to it; one such occasion maybe proof or evidence of facts. Hence, if you’re sharing a post about a verified incident or texting someone about something you recorded/heard first hand, you can use âēī¸.
  • Speaking of facts, you could also use âēī¸ while posting or reposting fact-based content. Like, “12 facts about your hair âēī¸” or “Here are some facts that I’d like to get straight before we go out âēī¸”.
  • A fact, in a sense, is concrete, unchangeable. Even while referring to something that’s unchangeable/unchanging, you could bring in âēī¸.
  • âēī¸ refers to both audio and video recording. Recorded videos are visuals of the past, mostly, beautiful memories. So, if you’re textually reminiscing something or sharing a social media post/repost/story of the same, you can use âēī¸.
  • Many times, âēī¸ is used decoratively. Although it’s not completely right, it’s mighty wrong. It strips this poor little thing âēī¸ of its purpose!

Other Names

  • âēī¸ Recording
  • âēī¸ Voice Recording
  • âēī¸ Video Recording
  • âēī¸ Record Button Symbol
  • âēī¸ Record Symbol
  • âēī¸ Record
  • âēī¸ Black Circle For Record