🍚 Cooked Rice


Food, Nourishment, Agriculture, Goodness, Steamed Rice, Boiled Rice, Plain White Rice

🍚 Meaning: A while bowl containing a heap of cooked white rice which can refer to a variety of cooked rice, such as sticky rice, non-sticky, steamed, boiled, etc.

The 🍚 Cooked Rice emoji can signify a staple diet of most of Asia, and also amazing qualities such as taste, nutrition, and lightness. Apart from food, rice can also have certain cultural significance attached to it depending on the country it is used in.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 🍚 Cooked Rice Emoji

  • Cooked rice has a general significance of ‘food’ or even ‘sustenance’ in most Asian countries. So, baring these interpretations, you can use 🍚 in relevant contexts. For instance, “So grateful for every grain we strived for 🍚”.
  • The rice in 🍚 is full, as in a heap of goodness. Hence, it can be used to show contentment too.
  • If you’re sharing a rice recipe as a social media post/story (repost too) or even a text message forwarding the same, you can use 🍚 while indicating “Use cooked rice 🍚” in the caption or even within a text message.
  • 🍚 can also be used in contexts of ‘agriculture’, ‘farming’ and ‘harvest’ too.
  • While posting or reposting food pictures consisting of rice for your foodstagram or anything else, welcome the 🍚 emoji into the captions.

Other Names

  • 🍚 Bowl of Cooked Rice
  • 🍚 Bowl of Rice
  • 🍚 Heap of Rice
  • 🍚 Steamed Rice
  • 🍚 Boiled Rice
  • 🍚 Fried Rice (plain, sorray)
  • 🍚 Cooked and Drained Rice