◻️ White Medium Square


Medium, Bright, Blank, Dots, Cube, Marshmallow, Ice Cube, Paper

◻️ Meaning: A four-sided white polygon, designed one size smaller than the ⬜ White Large Square and defined with a black border. The ◻️ White Medium Square emoji could symbolize a squarely-cut piece of paper, a white bullet point, or even a tiny white package.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the ◻️ White Medium Square Emoji

  • You may use ◻️ in the context of food! This emoji is a fantastic illustration of a cube of marshmallow or even an ice cube. Like, “Add loads of marshmallow in that popcorn! ◻️◻️◻️◻️🍿🍿🍿🍿”.
  • Much like the black dotted line resulting in the repetitive series of ◾ Black Medium-Small Square, you could apply ◻️ (and other squares too) to create such decorative lines/borders online.
  • ◻️ could also suggest a tiny empty box that’s yet to be filled. For instance, “Tomorrow is an empty box ◻️” or “Our compassion and humanity fills the emptiness of our hearts ◻️”.
  • When coupled with the ◼️ Black Medium Square, ◻️ would become a vital part of a chequered pattern, much like a chessboard (this works for squares of all sizes, however).

Other Names

  • ◻️ Smaller White Square
  • ◻️ Medium White Square
  • ◻️ Medium White Cube
  • ◻️ White Square
  • ◻️ White Squared Dot