🟦 Blue Square


Calmness, Peace, Unity, Team, Sports, Identification, Blue Block, Button

🟦 Meaning: A glossy blue square outlined with the same color or a contrasting black boundary. Virtually, the 🟦 Blue Square emoji signifies credibility and verification. In reality, a blue square suggests the color code or other metaphorical implications of the same.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 🟦 Blue Square Emoji

  • While sharing sports content, 🟦 would be helpful in representing one of the two teams of any given game, all the more if that team has a blue uniform, logo, mascot, etc.
  • You could also use 🟦 while referring to social media platforms (and anything else, for that matter) that have a blue logo too. This would help is easy recognition and identification of those particular platforms.
  • In the context of art such as painting, sketches, etc., 🟦 would be an aesthetic finish in the caption (along with other applied colors) to indicate the specific colors used in the post/repost.
  • If your post or repost has a direct application of the color blue or the metaphorical significance of this color in any form, you could include 🟦 in the captions.

Other Names

  • 🟦 Blue Block
  • 🟦 Large Blue Square
  • 🟦 Blue Button
  • 🟦 Blue
  • 🟦 Blue Color Code
  • 🟦 Four-Sided Blue Solid