😡 Pouting Face


Angry AF, Furious, Frustrated, Mad, Rage, Hate, Violent,

😡 Meaning: A reddish orange-tinted face with frowned eyes, a soul-staring pair of eyes, and a tiny, downward curve for a mouth. This emoji suggests a feeling of burning rage or anger. It is very similar in features to the 😠 Angry Face emoji, the only difference being the red face here.

Although owning a cute name, the 😡 Pouting Face emoji symbolizes intense temper and frustration, the kind that makes you feel ‘your blood boiling’. This emoji signifies the untameable human emotion of fury, madness, and a full-blown, impulsive outburst of violence.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 😡 Pouting Face Emoji

  • If you just witnessed something that made you want to throw a brick at someone or something, send this emoji as a reaction in such an infuriating context.
  • If someone just told you something that your blood boil, use this emoji as a way of signaling that they have a few seconds to just disappear into thin air.
  • Use this emoji while sending something that pissed you off to an ungodly level.
  • This emoji can also be used in an affectionate sense (seriously), to angrily tell someone to look after themselves, or be more careful, like a “You better 😡” phrase (cringe-maxed cheesiness, but works).

Other Names

  • 😡 Furious
  • 😡 Raging
  • 😡 Angry
  • 😡 Blood Boiling
  • 😡 Hate
  • 😡 Mad Face
  • 😡 Red Face
  • 😡 Pissed Off AF
  • 😡 Violent