😩 Weary Face


Tired, Exhausted, Sick and Tired, Bored, Sad, Distraught, Wailing, Helplessness

😩 Meaning: A yellow face with furrowed eyebrows, deeply shut eyes, and a wide-open downward curve showing just the upper teeth. This emoji shows tiredness, exhaustion, pain, and irritation.

The 😩 Weary Face emoji signifies the feeling of being ‘sick and tired’ of something or someone. It also speaks in the lines of being burned out or worn out by something, someone or just life in general.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 😩 Weary Face Emoji

  • Use this emoji while telling someone close about having a tough day at work or just a tough day at life.
  • You can also use this emoji while telling that you’re trying to pull off an all-nighter for the next day’s exam, but nothing’s helping, or you’ve got a sappy song stuck in your head.
  • This emoji can also be used to tell someone that you’re sick and tired of them or someone or something else in life.
  • It can be used to show someone that you’re mentally or emotionally exhausted.
  • Use this emoji to tell your bestie that you’re bugged to death.

Other Names

  • 😩 Tired
  • 😩 Sick and Tired
  • 😩 Mentally Exhausted
  • 😩 Bored
  • 😩 Bugged
  • 😩 Wailing
  • 😩 Distraught Face
  • 😩 Crying
  • 😩 FML
  • 😩 Helpless