♓ Pisces


Twelfth Zodiac, Last Sign, The Fish, Water Element, Rare, Mutability, Empathy, Generosity, Creativity

Meaning: A pair of concaving semi-circles on the right and left, connected together at the middle with a straight horizontal line. The ♓ Pisces emoji represents the twelfth and the final zodiac on the list. Rising from the element of water, it also refers to the ‘Fish’ as the zodiac animal.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the ♓ Pisces Emoji

  • Often known to be a ‘mutable’ sign; one that’s able to “read the room” and act accordingly, ♓ is a valuable addition to the context of things and people that resonate with this quality.
  • Examples for the previous point are – “A very important value is to stay the way you are irrespective of the “group” you’re surrounded by ♓” or “Don’t try to please people It’s a waste of time and you cannot please them all”.
  • Also, Pisces is the rarest of all zodiacs. Hence, along with the 🍀 Four-Leaf Clover, you may use ♓ to indicate rarity.
  • Apart from representing Pisces, ♓ could suggest a sense of connecting two worlds or two things with a common bridge. Hence, while making such connections, you can use ♓.
  • If you’re sharing information about ‘fishes’ or ‘water’ from a mythical and symbolic perspective, ♓ is a must. Like, “The fish will be the last to discover the water ♓” or “You cannot cross the sea by merely standing and staring at it ♓”.

Other Names

  • ♓ Pisces Sign
  • ♓ The Fish
  • ♓ Mutable Sign
  • ♓ Pisces Zodiac
  • ♓ Pisces Horoscope/Astrology
  • ♓ Twelfth Zodiac Sign
  • ♓ Pisces Sun/Moon Sign
  • ♓ Pisces the Fish