♋ Cancer


Fourth Zodiac, The Crab, Sensuality, Water Element, Moody, Sensitive, Intuition, Care, Protective

Meaning: A pair of loops with an extended tail on one end placed circularly parallel to each other. The ♋ Cancer emoji is an indication of the fourth zodiac sign. It would have direct references to all aspects of this zodiac; animal, planet, numbers, colors, etc.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the Cancer Emoji

  • Since a crab fits in as the zodiac animal or rather the “marine creature” for cancer, you could use while referring to this sea animal or the element of water as a whole, from a ‘spiritual’ or zodiacal perspective.
  • From an explicit view, is often read as a ‘6’ and a ‘9’. Hence, this emoji could have sexual (number 3) references too. This also means it could also symbolize intimacy, sexual union, and other related themes.
  • Also, if you look closely, looks like two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl. So, while texting someone wishing they were here, use .
  • In general, using in any context would suggest that you’re talking about astrology or horoscopes (and about Cancer, in specific). For example, “Well. Let’s see what unfolds for people like us “.

Other Names

  • Cancerian
  • The Crab
  • Cancer Symbol
  • 69
  • Fishbowl
  • Cancer Zodiac
  • Fourth Zodiac