🏢 Office Building


White Collar Employment, 9 to 5, Urban Life, City Infrastructure, Place of Work

🏢 Meaning: A tall, square-designed structure with multiple rows of glass boxes representing windows, a horizontal protrusion in the lower half, sheltering the entrance to the building, which has three glass divisions.

The 🏢 Office Building emoji is a generic description of a white-collar office building. It signifies urban infrastructure, city life, and the every day 9 to 5 lifestyle of every white-collar job.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 🏢 Office Building Emoji

  • While texting mom, your long-distance significant other that you’re at work or on the way, you can use 🏢 . For example, “On the way to work 🏢, ma. I’ll give you a call as I reach”.
  • Use 🏢 while posting a social media story about a blue Monday.
  • If you purchased a new office, or if you got a new job, you can use 🏢 either while texting someone close about it or while sharing this milestone on social media as well.
  • You can also use 🏢 to indicate that you’re at work or ‘DND’ over a Whatsapp/Facebook status or even any professional platform that you use for work.
  • If the picture you’re posting on your social media handle needs a quote that aligns with ‘work’, ‘office’, ‘routine’ etc, you can pull in the 🏢 emoji. For instance, “This hustling 9 to 5 is just the beginning to an actual job 🏢”.

Other Names

  • 🏢 White Collar Office
  • 🏢 Urban Office
  • 🏢 Building
  • 🏢 Office
  • 🏢 City Building
  • 🏢 Urban Building
  • 🏢 High-Rise Building
  • 🏢 Infrastructure