🏤 Post Office


European Post Office, Postal Service, Public Service, Postal System, Letters, Old School Mailing

🏤 Meaning: A vertically rectangular creamish building with a brown roof and a big yellow ‘Post Horn‘ on the wall, a glass door below it that is accompanied by a window on either side. There’s a shorter building behind this main one with a column of windows on either side as well.

The 🏤 Post Office emoji is the design of a typical European post office (given the post horn). But, thanks to Euro-centrism, this emoji is a generic representation of any post office around the world. It suggests a way of keeping in touch with people before the advent of social media.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 🏤 Post Office Emoji

  • If you’re on the way to the post office to post an important mail, you can use 🏤 while texting someone about it or, if you’re the type to share routine on social media, then on social media stories/posts too.
  • A post office symbolizes the OG way of sending mails, much before Gmail stole the show. So, you can use 🏤 to represent this emotion. For instance, “Nothing electronic could beat the joy of stamping posts 🏤”.
  • If you visited a historic post office and you’re sharing pictures and/or videos of the same on your social media profile or as a direct message (DM), then you can use 🏤 in those captions/text messages.
  • 🏤 can be used in common themes such as ‘public service’, ‘posting’, ‘post cards’, ‘stamp collections’, etc.
  • Since posting mails has become a thing of the past with electronic mail, 🏤 can also be used to signify nostalgia.

Other Names

  • 🏤 Postal Service
  • 🏤 General Post Office
  • 🏤 GPO
  • 🏤 PO
  • 🏤 Mail
  • 🏤 Postal System
  • 🏤 European Post Office
  • 🏤 European Postal System