👲 Person With Skullcap


Culture, Fashion, Warmth, Outfit, Costume, Chinese Headgear, Headdress, Gua Pi Mao

👲 Meaning: A gender-neutral description of a person’s face with a red and green cap covering the top of the head. Also known as the gua pi mao, the skullcap in this emoji is a type of a Chinese cap.

The 👲 Person With Skullcap emoji can refer to the Chinese culture/fashion of sporting this headgear. This warm layer of clothing signifies style, comfort, culture, and a great option to keep the moisture off your head.

It is available in the designated skin tones on almost all platforms.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 👲 Person With Skullcap Emoji

  • If you’re discussing a trip and the kind of clothing you’d be packing, you can use 👲 while suggesting a skullcap on your group chat, especially if your trip is going to be at a moderately cold place.
  • If you recently bought a super funky skullcap that you’re flaunting pictures of it on your social media handle, you can use 👲 in the post caption.
  • You can also use 👲 in the post caption if you’re sharing pictures of your vacation (to that cold place).
  • Sometimes, 👲 can also be used to refer to a beanie, a bonnet and a beret too.
  • If you have a skull-cap style that you carry out every day, with every attire and you love this piece of fashion, then you can use 👲 in your social media name if you like to be identified by your style.
  • For some reason, 👲 can also refer to a bully or a person who condescends someone.

Other Names

  • 👲 Skullcap
  • 👲 Chinese Hat
  • 👲 Beanie
  • 👲 Beret
  • 👲 Bonnet
  • 👲 Dink Cap
  • 👲 Fashion
  • 👲 Chinese Headgear
  • 👲 Asian Man
  • 👲 Gua Pi Mao
  • 👲 Man With Gua Pi Mao