
Video File Storage, Movies, DVD Player, Golden Disk, Music, Old-School

📀 Meaning: A disk, similar in design as the 💿 Optical Disk, but more yellowish or golden. The 📀 DVD emoji has a heavy reference to movies, films, cinema, and other visual arts or video content that can be viewed with the help of a DVD player. Thus, it counts for another form of storage.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 📀 DVD Emoji

  • If you’re talking about movies or films, like a movie night, a new movie you purchased/watched, or even a film you’re recommending, you can use 📀 in those frameworks. For instance, “Who cares if we can’t go to the movies? We can always have a marathon at home! 📀”.
  • Most times 📀 is interchangeably used with the optical disk or CD. Although it’s not wrong, it’s not entirely right either. The point being, 📀 falls into the movies category and 💿, the music or general category.
  • That being said, 📀 falls perfectly into the context of Golden Disk Awards or even any music awards for that matter. However, to be more contextually clear, it is suggestible to use the optical disk along with other awards and music-based emojis for general music awards.
  • 📀 represents the time before Netflix and online streaming stole the show. So, if you’re sharing a post about ‘following old traditions’ or being old-school with respect to watching movies, use 📀.

Other Names

  • 📀 Movie Disk
  • 📀 Video Recording
  • 📀 DVD-ROM
  • 📀 Golden Disk
  • 📀 DVD Video
  • 📀 Video CD
  • 📀 Digital Video Disk