🖱️ Computer Mouse


Clickbait, Click, Scroll, Navigation, Movement, Input, Selection

🖱️ Meaning: A vertically placed white rounded rectangular device. On most platforms, this emoji is showcased with a scroller in between two clickable buttons and a cable emerging from the top.

The 🖱️ Computer Mouse emoji represents an essential part of a computer system and an optional part of a laptop. This emoji signifies navigation, input, clicking, and the many tech puns and functions that surround it.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 🖱️ Computer Mouse Emoji

  • If you’re posting something about being clickbait-y, a post caption about the same, or even a direct message (DM) about the clickbait-y nature of a particular piece of content you came across, use 🖱️.
  • Examples, “Here are ten inspiring ways you can be clickbait-y without being mainstream 🖱️”, “Don’t judge an article by its headline 🖱️” or “Man. Just look at this article. Only clickbait and no substance 🖱️”.
  • You could also use 🖱️ while messaging your best friend about an important date you went on – “It was magical. We just clicked the moment we met eyes 🖱️”.
  • From the same POV, 🖱️ can be used to refer to something you are personally attracted to; it can be a hobby, a job, a book, etc. For instance, “The first moment I read that first page, it just clicked 🖱️. I knew I wanted to read the damn thing forever”.
  • While indicating the function or action of ‘clicking’ on something, 🖱️ is a must. Like, “Click here to read more! 🖱️”.

Other Names

  • 🖱️ Mouse
  • 🖱️ Electronic Mouse
  • 🖱️ Clicking Mouse
  • 🖱️ Clickbait
  • 🖱️ Click
  • 🖱️ Scroll
  • 🖱️ Three-Button Mouse