🚣 Person Rowing Boat


Water Sport, Kayaking, Rowing, Boating, Fishing, Canoeing, Strength, Exhilaration, Adventure Sport

🚣 Meaning: A gender-neutral description of a person dressed in comfortable and apt clothes, sitting in a boat and holding the oars with both hands, while exhibiting a posture of rowing forward.

The 🚣 Person Rowing Boat emoji refers to any person who rows a boat irrespective of gender and sex. It can signify boat sports such as kayaking, canoeing, boating, rowing, fishing, and sailing.

This emoji is available in the designated skin tones on almost all platforms.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 🚣 Person Rowing Boat Emoji

  • If you’re posting a picture or video of you indulging in some adventurous boat sports such as kayaking and canoeing, you can use 🚣 in the caption.
  • If yours is a brand that provides boating opportunities, facilities, and other such related information, you can use 🚣 in the captions while posting such info on your social media handle. To better identify yourself, you can also use this emoji in your social media profile name.
  • If you experienced the most romantic boating time with your partner in a canal or any water body and you’re posting those memories or tweeting about them, you can use 🚣 in those contexts.
  • 🚣 can also be used to refer to a particular culture or country that uses waterways or boats the most. For example, if you’re sharing a festive post about your culture that has tons of boating options or uses a boat ride as the primary mode of transport, you can use 🚣 in that post caption.
  • You can also use 🚣 while reposting or retweeting a post that has a boat in it – it can be an adventurous kayaking post or even a serious post about floods in a particular place, so much that the affected had to use cardboard as a boat to move around.
  • If you’re going fishing and you’re either texting someone about it or making a post or story out of it, you can use 🚣 in that context as well.

Other Names

  • 🚣 Boating
  • 🚣 Boat Ride
  • 🚣 Gender-Neutral Person Rowing a Boat
  • 🚣 Kayaking
  • 🚣 Canoeing
  • 🚣 Boat Riding
  • 🚣 Fishing
  • 🚣 Sailing
  • 🚣 Rowing