🏄 Person Surfing


Water Adventure Sport, Leisure, Beach Vacation, Water Activity, Stamina, Strength, Skill, Browse

🏄 Meaning: A gender-neutral description of a person dressed in a surfer’s gear, positioned in a gripping posture, with the hands spread out for balance and the legs bent a little on the surfing board.

The 🏄 Person Surfing emoji refers to any surfer irrespective of the level of aptitude, gender, and sex. This emoji signifies adventure, water sports, vacation, summertime excitement, and an overall beachy vibe.

It is available in the designated skin tones on almost all platforms.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 🏄 Person Surfing Emoji

  • Use 🏄 in the caption or tweeting while posting or tweeting picture(s) and/or video(s) of yourself surfing.
  • If you found an awe-striking surfing picture or video that you’re now reposting, retweeting, or posting on your social media story, you can use 🏄 in those contexts.
  • Apart from actually surfing, 🏄 can be used even while posting beach pictures. It can be pictures of beaches you’ve been to or some exotic and soul-capturing images that you came across on social media.
  • Tag the 🏄 emoji into captions while posting surfing memes or even fails (not the brutal ones, of course, because those don’t deserve social media trolls).
  • If you’re a professional surfer or you love surfing irrespective of the number of times you’ve slipped, you can use 🏄 in your social media profile name.
  • If its a lazy and boring day and all you’re doing is ‘surfing’ the internet, then you can use 🏄 while asking someone what they’re up to and finding that opportunity to complain about your day.
  • You can also use 🏄 as a way of greeting someone (waving, you know). Like “Yoo. Whaddup 🏄”.

Other Names

  • 🏄 Gender-Neutral Surfer
  • 🏄 Surfing
  • 🏄 Water Sports
  • 🏄 Water Adventure Sport
  • 🏄 Riding the Waves
  • 🏄 Surf Riding
  • 🏄 Gender-Neutral Surf Rider
  • 🏄 Browsing
  • 🏄 Waving