🏋ī¸ Person Lifting Weights


Weightlifting, Working Out, Body Building, Gyming, Exercise, Muscular Strength, Toning, Muscle Power, Strength

🏋ī¸ Meaning: A full-body profile of a gender-neutral person doing a full-squat while holding up a set of heavyweights with both hands, while being dressed in comfy gym clothes, knee pads, and a pair of gyming shoes.

The 🏋ī¸ Person Lifting Weights emoji refers to a weightlifter irrespective of gender and sex. It signifies muscular strength, grit, dedication, motivation, bodybuilding, and an overall sense of being a fitness freak.

This emoji is available in the designated skin tones on almost all platforms.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 🏋ī¸ Person Lifting Weights Emoji

  • If you’re posting a picture or video of yourself lifting weights or gyming otherwise, either as a flaunting post or as an informative post, you can use 🏋ī¸ in the caption.
  • If ‘hitting the gym’ is the current big mood, use 🏋ī¸ as your social media status, it can be on WhatsApp, Facebook, or even Twitter.
  • 🏋ī¸ can also be used to show strength and power. For example, if you’re bestie is pulling your leg about what a wuss you were in 5th grade, you can send this emoji in that conversation, as a way of saying “Hey hey hey. STFU, okay. That happened just once. I’m back now, to kick your backside 🏋ī¸”.
  • Sharing a workout regime, motivation quote, or pictures of thyself? Use 🏋ī¸ in those contexts.
  • If you’re at the gym and someone asks you what you’re up to, you can reply with 🏋ī¸ to indicate where you are and what you’re doing.
  • If you’re posting a healthy diet for people who workout, or working out tips for beginners, or any such informative content, you can use 🏋ī¸.

Other Names

  • 🏋ī¸ Gender-Neutral Person Lifting Weights
  • 🏋ī¸ Gyming
  • 🏋ī¸ At the Gym
  • 🏋ī¸ Working Out
  • 🏋ī¸ Building Muscle
  • 🏋ī¸ Hitting the Gym
  • 🏋ī¸ Gains
  • 🏋ī¸ Weightlifting
  • 🏋ī¸ Bodybuilding
  • 🏋ī¸ Free Weights
  • 🏋ī¸ Powerlifting