#️⃣ Keycap: #


Hashtag, Trend, Symbol, Concise, Number Symbol, Contact, Pound Sign

️⃣ Meaning: A hashtag (#) in white painted onto a blue button-like square background. The ️⃣ Keycap: # emoji represents the hashtag. Apart from a symbol for phone numbers, it currently signifies social media trends and a fantastic catalyst for social media businesses.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the ️⃣ Keycap: # Emoji

  • Hashtags have become a symbol for ‘fitting in’ as well as being up-to-date with the world, via social media. So, if you’re using such themes in any context, use ️⃣ . Like, “Just keeping up with the trend ️⃣ “.
  • Besides, hashtags can also be an icon for ‘beginning’ or ‘starting’ a trend. For example, “How about we start our own viral trend? ️⃣ ” or “It’s super easy to get famous these days ️⃣ “.
  • Hashtags are also a recently perceived manner of creating a concise gist of any given post/repost, like #creativecontent, #aboutemojis, etc. If you’re conveying the message or the importance of being ‘concise’, you may use ️⃣ . For instance, “Humans are impatient. We need the story to be the crux and the crux to be a defined word ️⃣ “.
  • And lastly, while sharing a phone number in the caption of a public post/repost or a CTA with a contactable number, ️⃣ could begin that number.

Other Names

  • ️⃣ Hashtag
  • ️⃣ Hashtag Symbol
  • ️⃣ Number Sign
  • ️⃣ Pound Symbol
  • ️⃣ Octothorpe
  • ️⃣ Hash Key
  • ️⃣ Pound Key