🔟 Keycap: 10


Complete, Pair, One and Zero, Binary, Base, Brilliance, Wholesome, Comparison

🔟 Meaning: A 1️⃣ One and a 0️⃣ Zero paired together in the same order on the top surface of a faded-blue square. The 🔟 Keycap: 10 is the first double-digit in the keycap series. It signifies a pair/couple, completeness, and the easiest to manipulate.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 🔟 Keycap: 10 Emoji

  • Based on the physical manifestation of the 5️⃣ Keycap: 5, 🔟 could be a pair of widely spread palms either coming together or heading together in the same direction, nonetheless, creating a sense of completeness. For example, “You’re perfectly complete 🔟”.
  • Scoring a 10 or randomly sprinkling the number around suggests that the receiver is excellent, amazing, great, and all those feel-good adjectives. Like, “Whoaaa! I give that a 🔟” or “I am a ten on 🔟“.
  • 🔟 is also a favorite unit of exaggeration. For instance, “This year is 🔟 times worse than the previous” or “He’s 🔟 times better than all of them COMBINED”.
  • While calling out the ‘top ten’ in any genre, 🔟 could be an addition both in the introduction and the tenth spot. Also, for some reason, being amongst the ‘top ten’ signifies a sense of being smart and top-notch – “That’s good. You’re at least in the top 🔟”.

Other Names

  • 🔟 Ten
  • 🔟 Number 10
  • 🔟 #10
  • 🔟 Tenth
  • 🔟 Keycap Digit Ten
  • 🔟 One and Zero
  • 🔟 Binary