🌖 Waning Gibbous Moon


Disappearing, Closing, Waning, Diminishing, Reducing, Losing Luster

🌖 Meaning: A brightly shining yellowish golden moon with a thin dark crescent on the right side. Sometimes, this crescent is definitive, whereas sometimes, it crawls onto the bright side.

The 🌖 Waning Gibbous Moon emoji represents the sixth phase of the moon/lunar cycle. During this phase, the moon is neither half nor full but is rather closing up and in a way, getting smaller and less bright.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 🌖 Waning Gibbous Moon Emoji

  • 🌖 seems like the moon is beginning to shrink when seen from the earth. In a sense, it’s not full anymore. So, if you’re referring to a person, situation, conversation, anything that burned bright for long and is beginning to lose luster, you can use 🌖.
  • Since the waning gibbous moon is post the full moon, phase it suggests a sense of darkening after revealing itself. From a use case POV, 🌖 can also symbolize diminishing after complete revelation. For instance, “Man, IDK what’s happening. This scrub worked like magic before and now it’s just not doing anything to my skin! 🌖”.
  • Also, apart from the moon, people, things and other creatures have a waning phase as well. You could probably use 🌖 to refer to those phases as well – “PMS is my ULTIMATE waning period 🌖”.
  • If you’re texting your bestie about how a potential romantic interest bloomed at one point and randomly began disappearing, use 🌖. For example, “She was all over me last night and now she blocked me 🌖”.

Other Names

  • 🌖 Sixth Phase of the Lunar Cycle
  • 🌖 Sixth Phase of the Moon
  • 🌖 Waning
  • 🌖 Disappearing Moon
  • 🌖 Waning Moon
  • 🌖 Shadowed Moon
  • 🌖 Closing Moon
  • 🌖 Diminishing Moon