๐Ÿช’ Razor


Grooming, Shaving, Hair Removal, Beauty, Clean Shave, No Shave November, Ingrowns

๐Ÿช’ Meaning: A metallic razor with an orangish-brown handle, a double pair of razors at the top budged within a protective frame. Sometimes, this emoji is described as an old-fashioned shaver.

The ๐Ÿช’ Razor emoji is a reference to the grooming practice of shaving. Given the basic functionality of a razor, this emoji could suggest hair removal, hair growth, regrowth, and the other fashionable shaves too.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the ๐Ÿช’ Razor Emoji

  • Firstly, ๐Ÿช’ is a unisex emoji. If it’s shocking, yes, women too grow hair. So, while posting or reposting educative content on grooming irrespective of the sex/gender, you may use ๐Ÿช’.
  • While texting someone to get a shave, sharing grooming pictures, videos of a shave, pictures of a clean shave, or even content on some shaving basics, use ๐Ÿช’.
  • You can also use ๐Ÿช’ while referring to ‘ingrowns’ or ‘ingrown hair’ (the favorite aftermath of shaving or waxing) in any context – “Dude. You know what? Sometimes, you feel like a patch of annoying ingrown hair ๐Ÿช’” or “There’s pretty much no way to escape ingrowns naturally ๐Ÿช’”.
  • Contexts of “No Shave November” or “Movember” could have an addition of ๐Ÿช’ – representing the element of avoidance.

Other Names

  • ๐Ÿช’ Razor Blade
  • ๐Ÿช’ Shaving Stick
  • ๐Ÿช’ Shaving
  • ๐Ÿช’ Shaver
  • ๐Ÿช’ Razor
  • ๐Ÿช’ Shaving Stick