🧑‍🦽 Person in Manual Wheelchair


Wheelchair Usage, Physical Disability, Dependency, Movement, Locomotion, Physical Assistance

🧑‍🦽 Meaning: A full-length, side profile of a gender-neutral person sitting in a manual wheelchair, with both feet placed on the footplate and one arm (or both) holding the wheel on either side to indicate the action of wheeling forward.

The 🧑‍🦽 Person in Manual Wheelchair emoji refers to any person who uses the manual wheelchair (the one that needs to be pushed by the user), irrespective of the gender and sex. It signifies physical disability, dependency, and a slight shade of vulnerability too.

This emoji is available in the designated skin tones on almost all platforms.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 🧑‍🦽 Person in Manual Wheelchair Emoji

  • You can use 🧑‍🦽 to express a sense of getting away from someone or something. It can be more effective if you use the 💨 Dashing Away emoji with it. For instance, if someone messages you about an unfavorable person, you can reply with “Okayyy. Time for me to get outta here 🧑‍🦽 💨”.
  • 🧑‍🦽 can be used to signify accomplishment too, the “Slow and steady” kind. So, if you’re posting a picture, video, or tweet of a personal achievement, you can use 🧑‍🦽 in the caption or within the tweet itself. Like “Ahh. I made it!! 🧑‍🦽”.
  • If you’re a person with a physical disability, or you’ve been asked to use a wheelchair for a couple of months due to an unexpected turn of events (no puns intended), you can either use 🧑‍🦽 in your social media profile name or in a post caption.
  • If you’re posting an inspiring post about a person in a wheelchair, you can use 🧑‍🦽 in the caption (with a powerful caption, that is).

Other Names

  • 🧑‍🦽 Person in a Wheelchair
  • 🧑‍🦽 Wheelchair User
  • 🧑‍🦽 Person Using a Manual Wheelchair
  • 🧑‍🦽 Gender-Neutral Person in a Wheelchair
  • 🧑‍🦽 Physically Disabled
  • 🧑‍🦽 Person With Physical Disability