🦵 Leg


Kicking, Football, Walking, Working Out, Leg Day, Squats

🦵Meaning: One single human leg held in a semi-squatting position, with the calf muscle bulging out a little. This emoji signifies football, kicking, walking, squatting, and even working out (leg day).

The kind of posture shown in the 🦵 Leg emoji would differ among various platforms. It is available in the designated skin tones almost across all platforms.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 🦵 Leg Emoji

  • If you had an intense leg day and you’re flaunting those toned muscles, send the 🦵 emoji along with your pictures.
  • You can also use 🦵 in casual contexts with your buddies, like “Hey yo, chill out. I was just pullin’ your 🦵”.
  • Or, 🦵 can also be used in a funny way, like saying “STFU or I’mma 🦵 you in the face!” (kick – use it in contexts of wanting to kick someone in a casual and playful way, of course).
  • 🦵 can also be brought into football conversations; either while posting something about a game on social media or while chatting with your football buddies.
  • If you’re plain bored and want to bring in some randomness into chats with your bestie, pop in the 🦵 emoji.

Other Names

  • 🦵 Kick
  • 🦵 Kicking
  • 🦵 Football
  • 🦵 Work Out
  • 🦵 Leg Day
  • 🦵 Gym
  • 🦵 Walking
  • 🦵 Squatting