😽 Kissing Cat


Happiness, Bliss, Affection, Care, Warmth, Love, Blush

😽 Meaning: A yellow cat face with relaxed eyebrows, closed, warm eyes, a tiny and cute nose, whiskers and a scrunched mouth representing the famous kissing pout. It also has some blush on each cheek.

The 😽 Kissing Cat is the cat version of the 😚 Kissing With Closed Eyes emoji. It signifies affection, warmth, love, and kisses, of course. The blush here shows a sense of closeness to the person (or not, no judgment there), happiness and bliss.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 😽 Kissing Cat Emoji

  • If someone did something that is making you love them all the more, send this emoji. For example, if your bestie finally agreed to go on a double date, send this emoji with an “I love you”.
  • Use this emoji in an above-average kind of an affectionate conversation; best is with best friends, close fam members, etc.
  • You can also send this emoji along with something sweet and adorable.
  • Use this emoji as a reaction to some cute things your favorite people are doing.

Other Names

  • 😽 Affection
  • 😽 Bliss
  • 😽 Love
  • 😽 Happiness
  • 😽 Blush
  • 😽 Kissy Cat
  • 😽 Kisses
  • 😽 Cat With Kissing Face