🙉 Hear No Evil Monkey


Covering Ears, Innocent, Astonishment, Surprise, Shock, Awe, Silence, Keep Quite, Headache, Drama

🙉 Meaning: A brown monkey with big eyes, a tiny nose, and a slightly open mouth with two hands covering both ears. The character that inspired this emoji is part of the Three Wise Monkeys philosophy of the traditional Japanese folklore.

The 🙉 Hear-No-Evil Monkey emoji depicts a sense of restraining from listening to bad or evil stuff; this can mean gross stuff, gossip, or anything that you as an individual would not prefer hear or listen to.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 🙉 Hear-No-Evil Monkey Emoji

  • If someone just said something that was meant to be a secret on a group chat, send this emoji as an awkwardly deafening reaction.
  • Send this emoji while telling someone about something horrifyingly cringe that your ears witnessed, like hearing someone fart or something.
  • You can also use this emoji in a conversation that you don’t like having, for example, your friends constantly asking if you’ll ever start getting serious in life.
  • This emoji can also be a great way of telling someone that they suck at singing (meaannn. therefore, make sure this is someone close and can take a joke).
  • You can also bring in this emoji while talking about some shocking news that you heard.
  • Send this emoji as a reaction to a bad song suggestion.

Other Names

  • 🙉 Innocence
  • 🙉 Surprise
  • 🙉 Astonishment
  • 🙉 Shocked
  • 🙉 Deafening Silence
  • 🙉 Kikazaru
  • 🙉 Monkey Covering Ears
  • 🙉 Drama
  • 🙉 Tone Deaf
  • 🙉 Can’t Hear