😺 Grinning Cat


Happiness, Excitement, Awe, Amazement, Stunned, Joy, Adventurous, Innocent

😺 Meaning: A yellowish cat face with perky ears, blank eyes, a tiny triangular nose, and a big grin with tiny cat fangs. It also has a couple of whiskers sticking out on either side.

The 😺 Grinning Cat emoji is the cat version of the 😀 Grinning Face emoji. It denotes surprise, happiness, joy, awe, and excitement. Although the cat doesn’t really have any specific purpose here, it just adds the element of cuteness to the shown emotion.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 😺 Grinning Cat Emoji

  • Send this emoji as a reaction to something happy and exciting that you witnessed.
  • If you’re feeling great, randomly send this emoji to your close ones (you don’t want to be creeping out strangers).
  • You can also use this emoji while sending something adventurous and asking your buddies to join, like “So, what do you think?? Lets go?? 😺”
  • This emoji can be used to show child-like excitement.

Other Names

  • 😺 Happy
  • 😺 Excited
  • 😺 Adventurous
  • 😺 Awe
  • 😺 Amazement
  • 😺 Happy Cat
  • 😺 Smiling Cat