🧏 Deaf Person


Hearing Disability, Auditory Difficulties, Sign Language, ASL, Communication

🧏 Meaning: A super closeup of a gender-neutral person’s right side of the face and the right hand raised to the face with the forefinger touching the cheek, along with two curved strikes, indicating movement.

The 🧏 Deaf Person emoji refers to any person with hearing difficulties or disabilities, irrespective of gender. The gesture featured in this emoji is basically a reference to the sign language adopted by deaf communities as a way of communicating with the world.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 🧏 Deaf Person Emoji

  • If you’re the one with hearing difficulties or an auditory disability and want to tell someone that via text, you can use the 🧏 emoji.
  • You can use 🧏 while describing someone with a hearing disability or a hearing difficulty.
  • 🧏 can also be used to convey that you or someone close to you is learning the sign language.
  • Since 🧏 is a gender-neutral and a gender-inclusive emoji, you can use it in your captions or even reactions to social media posts especially when you are sensitive about your online identity (your choices are only accountable to you).
  • You can also pair 🧏 with the đŸĻģ Ear With Hearing Aid emoji to indicate that you recently got hearing aids, or you’re in need of one, or you’re considering or getting one.

Other Names

  • 🧏 Deaf
  • 🧏 Hearing Disability
  • 🧏 Auditory Difficulty
  • 🧏 Hearing Difficulty
  • 🧏 Hearing Aid
  • 🧏 Auditory Assistance
  • 🧏 Sign Language
  • 🧏 Deaf Community
  • 🧏 ASL (American Sign Language)
  • 🧏 Communication
  • 🧏 Convey