🛄 Baggage Claim


Checked Baggage, Airport, Checking, Passed Customs, Baggage Carousel, Claiming, Pick Up

🛄 Meaning: A blue square with rounded corners, stamped with the icon of a suitcase or a bag placed above a dotted straight line; referring to the moving baggage carousel at an airport.

The 🛄 Baggage Claim emoji refers to the procedure of collecting checked luggage at the air terminal, which has been shifted down from the air vehicle. Hence, it would signify collection and “taking what’s yours”.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 🛄 Baggage Claim Emoji

  • Take what’s yours – a popular slick of honesty we’ve been taught since our new brain developed. While talking of this honesty in a suitable context, do bring in 🛄 – “Remember. You only take what belongs to you 🛄” or “Take what’s yours and leave 🛄”.
  • 🛄 indicates that your luggage passed the check or test. If you’re referring to something or someone who fits this interpretation, you could use 🛄. For instance, “He successfully passed all tests 🛄”.
  • From an extended perspective of the previous use-case, 🛄 can be dropped into the context of “going places”. Like, “You’ll go places, love 🛄” or “Her start-up is literally cracking through all glass ceilings and heading somewhere big! 🛄 So proud”.
  • You could use 🛄 even while indicating ‘movement’. For example, “It’s so much better to move, crawl if you have to, than stay still 🛄” or “Move on, yo. She’s long gone 🛄”.

Other Names

  • 🛄 Baggage Carousel
  • 🛄 Baggage Movement
  • 🛄 Luggage Claim
  • 🛄 Baggage Reclaim
  • 🛄 Checked Baggage
  • 🛄 Moving Baggage
  • 🛄 Airport Procedure
  • 🛄 Bag Checking
  • 🛄 Customs