😰 Anxious Face With Sweat


Anxiety, Fearful, Terrifying, Paranoia, Distress, Frozen With Fear, Nervousness, Nerve Wracking, Worry

😰 Meaning: A dual-colored emoji, with a blue shade covering the top half of the face and yellow, lower half. There’s a blue droplet of sweat on one side of the face.

The eyebrows of this yellow face are frowned, the eyes are open and blank, while the mouth is open but small and characterized with a toothless, wide curve.

The 😰 Anxious Face With Sweat signifies anxiety, nervousness, panic, restlessness, and emotional instability to a certain extent. It also emotes extreme fear and phobia. The blue part of the head may also suggest numbness due to fear and anxiety.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 😰 Anxious Face With Sweat Emoji

  • If you’re feeling super anxious and nervous about something and you’re telling this to a close someone, use this emoji in that conversation.
  • Use this as an emoji reaction to something terrifying or fearful.
  • You can also use this emoji while showing someone that you’re terribly restless about doing something or anything for that matter.
  • If you’re sending something that’s scary AF and aligns with your much-held phobia, send this emoji along to give the receiver a hint about the subject.

Other Names

  • 😰 Anxious
  • 😰 Fear
  • 😰 Terrified
  • 😰 Panicking
  • 😰 Panic
  • 😰 Phobia
  • 😰 Nervous
  • 😰 Nerve Wracking
  • 😰 Tensed
  • 😰 Stressed
  • 😰 Worried