🦯 White Cane


Navigation, Walking, Probing Cane, Whip, Whack, Lash, Beating, Movement

🦯 Meaning: A right tilted metallic cane with a tiny round structure at the bottom, a thread at the top handle, and designed with a tri-colored body.

The 🦯 White Cane emoji is similar to the one held by this 🧑‍🦯 Person. Apart from signifying guidance, navigation, and movement, this emoji could also refer to a whip, lash, etc. Hence, this emoji could either symbolize walking and maneuvering or whacking something.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 🦯 White Cane Emoji

  • If you’re posting a picture or video, the caption for which is about a lash or the act of lashing, you may use 🦯. For example, “What can I say. I tend to lash out that way 🦯”.
  • Since 🦯 would also represent a whip, it can be used in the literal sense of being whacked (or, you know, enjoyably whacked) or in the metaphorical context of beating someone at something. For instance, “How’d you like that final whip of a goal! 🦯”.
  • You can also use 🦯 in the caption if the post is about guidance in any manner; a career guidance post, a spiritual guidance repost, or even a video of an act of kindness.
  • A white cane is generally used by a blind person to navigate their way. So, you may use 🦯 in the literal context of physical blindness or even figuratively, as in moving or going past obstacles.
  • Examples for the previous use-case: “This woman of strength may be blind, but she can always kick your ass! 🦯” or “Obstacles exist only to make you smarter🦯”.

Other Names

  • 🦯 Cane
  • 🦯 Whip
  • 🦯 Lash
  • 🦯 Probing Cane
  • 🦯 Walking Stick
  • 🦯 Stick
  • 🦯 Long Cane
  • 🦯 Walking Cane