🚊 Tram


City Transportation, Railway Transit, Short to Medium Travel, Intra-City Travel, Rail Vehicle

🚊 Meaning: An oncoming tram, visible on its tracks, designed with a large windshield, and a couple of headlights around it. The 🚊 Tram emoji represents a useful mode of passenger transport for small to medium distances within cities.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 🚊 Tram Emoji

  • Use 🚊 while sharing pictures and/or videos of trams. It can be a visually appealing picture, a luxury tram, a video from inside the tram, your first time on a tram; generally or after the lockdown, anything.
  • While indicating that you’re currently in a tram, or that you would opt for a tram in any given traveling scenario, you can use 🚊. Like, “It might take a while. Still in transit 🚊”.
  • If you’re sharing a news post about trams in general, or a particular tram line in your city or elsewhere, you can use 🚊 in the post caption.
  • If you’re texting someone to take a tram, use 🚊.
  • You could also use 🚊 while indicating a tram station or while texting someone about a particular one too.

Other Names

  • 🚊 Trolley
  • 🚊 City Transport
  • 🚊 Railway Transit
  • 🚊 Rail Vehicle
  • 🚊 Short-Distance Rail Line
  • 🚊 Medium-Distance Railway Travel
  • 🚊 Intra-City Train