๐Ÿ“ Straight Ruler


Measurement, Geometry, Drawing Lines, Boundaries, School, Stationery, Spacing

๐Ÿ“ Meaning: A slanting grey ruler or scale divided in between with a plain side and an inches and centimeters side. The ๐Ÿ“ Straight Ruler emoji represents small scale measurement. It could signify straight lines, drawing a line, geometry, or even a deadly weapon.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the ๐Ÿ“ Straight Ruler Emoji

  • If you’re advising your best friend, generally texting anyone about setting boundaries, or even putting up a post with a caption about the same, you can use ๐Ÿ“.
  • Examples for the previous use-case: “You should always draw a line right from the start ๐Ÿ“” or “Boundaries have nothing to do with ego. It just shows that I’m good at drawing lines ๐Ÿ“”.
  • ๐Ÿ“ can also be used to determine ‘space’ between two points. Like, “The shortest distance between two points is often unbearable ๐Ÿ“” (hurts, but you get the point) (no puns intended).
  • Straight rulers are colloquially known as ‘scales’ as well. So, if you’re using a ‘scale’ in a literal or metaphorical manner, you can use ๐Ÿ“. For instance, “Scale every mound there is before you move to the mountains ๐Ÿ“”.
  • Since ๐Ÿ“ is also a unit of measurement, you can use it while genuinely measuring something or even while doing so sarcastically.

Other Names

  • ๐Ÿ“ Scale
  • ๐Ÿ“ Ruler
  • ๐Ÿ“ Yardstick
  • ๐Ÿ“ Geometry Scale
  • ๐Ÿ“ Wooden Ruler
  • ๐Ÿ“ Teaching