🛻 Pickup Truck


Goods Pickup, Light Duty, Transportation, Commodities, Utility Truck

🛻 Meaning: The profile description of a red four-wheeled vehicle with a lengthy body, such that the front portion is designed with windows, doors, and headlights, and the hind section has a wide and long cargo space.

The 🛻 Pickup Truck emoji signifies roadway transportation of lightweight goods and commodities. This emoji and the actual pickup truck cannot accommodate heavier goods than what is specified for the vehicle.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 🛻 Pickup Truck Emoji

  • If you’re notifying someone that the pickup guy is here, you could use 🛻. For instance, “Hey. Sending back all your garbage. The truck’s here 🛻. And goodbye, for good”.
  • If you drove a pickup truck to a farm, a barn, or any place to fill the truck with your purchases or picks (as in fruits and veggies), you can use 🛻 while sharing a social media post/story or a text message too. Like, “Just picked up the first coconut harvest of the season! 🛻”.
  • Apart from signifying a pickup truck, per se, 🛻 can be used to suggest that you’re picking up something. For example, “Will be there in an hour. Please keep the boxes ready 🛻” (irrespective of whether you own a pickup truck or drive a pickup truck).
  • That being said, 🛻 generally gives the notion that you’re either sending a pickup truck or bringing one. Depending on the context and the person, both are workable.

Other Names

  • 🛻 Monster Truck
  • 🛻 Goods Pickup Truck
  • 🛻 Cargo Truck
  • 🛻 Light-Duty Truck
  • 🛻 Bakkie
  • 🛻 Ute
  • 🛻 Utility Truck