🏷️ Label


Price Tag, Value, Information, Details, Belonging, Name Tag, Identification

🏷️ Meaning: A rectangular tag, mostly made of cardboard or plastic with cut edges that are joined together to form the typical “tag shape”. There’s also a hole at this adjadency.

The 🏷️ Label emoji largely represents a price tag, and with the idea of a price tag, comes suggestions such as monetary value, money, expenditure, purchases, etc. It could also signify other tags and their symbolisms such as name tags, social media tagging, brand tags, etc.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 🏷️ Label Emoji

  • If you’re using the iconic money and happiness contrast in any context, you may use 🏷️. For example, “Stop putting a price tag on everything 🏷️. Not everything can be measured with money”.
  • Au contraire, a price tag describes value, monetary value, of course. So, if you’re using this kind of value in your post caption, you could consider 🏷️ – “You only learn the value once you face the loss 🏷️”.
  • Taking the use-case from the emoji’s name; label, 🏷️ could be used while indicating that something has your name on it, thus suggesting a sense of belonging. Like, “People cannot belong to you, things can 🏷️. The only and the best difference is that people get to choose“.
  • Use 🏷️ while posting or reposting content about sales; a small business post, a mighty mammoth repost, anything. For instance, “Hurry up and bag these amazing thrifts! 🏷️” or “The sale we’ve been waiting for is finally on! 🏷️”.

Other Names

  • 🏷️ Price Tag
  • 🏷️ Tag
  • 🏷️ Label Tag
  • 🏷️ Brand Tag
  • 🏷️ Shopping
  • 🏷️ Purchasing
  • 🏷️ Identification Tag
  • 🏷️ Name Tag