🌿 Herb


Seasoning, Aroma, Flavour, Cannabis, Garnishing, Healthy Additives, Ayurveda

🌿 Meaning: A single green stalk with eight green leaves, four on either side. This emoji can refer to those aromatic seasoning elements that you garnish your meal with, or it can have its own slang references too.

Although the 🌿 Herb emoji has a direct representation to an ingredient, given the name, most of the time it’s just used as an indication of greenery, nature, and leaves, which also works. But the aptest usage of this emoji would be in edible contexts.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 🌿 Herb Emoji

  • If you’re sharing a recipe either as a social media post/story or you’re just sending the recipe as a direct message (DM) to someone, then you can use 🌿 in the ‘garnish’ or ‘seasoning’ section.
  • Are you texting some helpful uses of herbs? Or are you suggesting ways to relieve someone’s cough or cold via text messages? Then, you can pop the 🌿 emoji into such contexts. For instance, “Yo, bro. Just drink some warm water with some ginger, holy basil and some HOLY WTF IS THIS MAGIC and you’ll be good to go! 🌿 “.
  • Now, the slang. Herb is another word for marijuana. So, if you’re sharing pictures of your scene or you’re just texting your homies about the doobie you’re about to light or if you’re even replying to someone’s bong story or post, you can use 🌿 in all those contexts.
  • Coming to the mistaken usage of this emoji. You can use 🌿 while sharing pictures of trees, nature, and leaves, with or without you in the frame. Although it works, its not really the correct application of this emoji.
  • You can also use 🌿 in your social media profile name if you love herbs, sweet Mary Jane, or you just like how refreshing this emoji looks.

Other Names

  • 🌿 Green Leaves
  • 🌿 Garnish
  • 🌿 Seasoning
  • 🌿 Aromatic Leaves
  • 🌿 Cannabis
  • 🌿 Marijuana
  • 🌿 Ganja
  • 🌿 Weed
  • (These are some seasoning ideas too, for both aroma and flavor)
  • 🌿 Additive