🔕 Bell With Slash


Turn Off, Cancelled Notifications, Unsubscription, Disabled Alerts, Silent Mode

🔕 Meaning: A golden bell described in the same manner as the 🔔 Bell but with the addition of a thick, red diagonal line crossing the icon. Since the ‘Bell’ represents notifications, 🔕 would signify canceled or muted notifications. It suggests silent mode and ‘turning/switching off’.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 🔕 Bell With Slash Emoji

  • Beginning with the counter indication of 🔕 as opposed to 🔔, the former suggests a block in receiving notifications, essentially unsubscribing to something. Thus, you could use 🔕 in such contexts.
  • Examples: “Listen, please do me a favor and stop alerting me with your gossip updates 🔕” or “I unsubscribed to those notifications, dude 🔕 Their emails were starting to hoard in my inbox”.
  • You could also use 🔕 while giving life lessons! Shocking? Nah. Here’s how you could do that – “Why do you keep bothering about it so much? Just ignore and turn off your attention towards negativity 🔕”.
  • If you want to specify that your phone would be on ‘silent’ in any format, use 🔕. It could be in your social media status, a text message, or even post captions! For example, “I will not be available for the next 3 hours 🔕” or “I’m usually unavailable for small talk, sorray 🔕”.

Other Names

  • 🔕 Bell Icon With Red Slash
  • 🔕 Unsubscribe
  • 🔕 Turned Off Notification
  • 🔕 Canceled Notification
  • 🔕 Ringer Disabled
  • 🔕 Muted Bell
  • 🔕 Silent Mode
  • 🔕 Bell With Cancellation Stroke