😾 Pouting Cat


Angry, Pissed Off, Stubborn, Furious, Restless, Cranky, Grumpy, Moody, Frustration, Irritation

😾 Meaning: A yellow cat face with perky ears, angrily frowned brows, blank eyes, a tiny nose, and whiskers. The mouth here is a downward curve, adding to the overall ‘pissed off cat face’.

The 😾 Pouting Cat emoji is the cat version of the 😠 Angry Face emoji. It signifies a sense of irritation, frustration, anger, contempt, and a deep feeling of resentment towards something or someone. It can also suggest being stubborn, moody, and sulky.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 😾 Pouting Cat Emoji

  • Send this emoji as a response to something annoying that someone said.
  • This emoji can also be a reaction to something irritating that you witnessed on social media.
  • You can also send this emoji while talking about something or someone frustrating.
  • It can be sent along with something that’s sure to raise eyebrows and punches too.
  • You can also send this instead of “Back off” or “Don’t push my buttons”.
  • If you want something and your buddies are trying to force you to agree otherwise, send this emoji once they’ve melted your ice and you can’t take it any longer.

Other Names

  • 😾 Angry
  • 😾 Pissed Off
  • 😾 Irritated
  • 😾 Frustrated
  • 😾 Resentment
  • 😾 Furious
  • 😾 Stubborn
  • 😾 Grumpy
  • 😾 Cranky
  • 😾 Sulky
  • 😾 Grumpy Cat