🫙 Jar


Storage Space, Stored Food, Saving, Glass Jar, Empty Jar, Air-Tight, Container, Pickles

Jar Emoji

🫙 Meaning: A glass jar with a lid and a label on the visible side. The 🫙 Jar emoji suggests storage space, and could further that significance based on what’s inside, thus symbolizing stored food too. The jar also represents savings, foresight, and the future – provided it is eventually filled.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 🫙 Jar Emoji

  • 🫙 is evidently an empty jar – one that’s either waiting to be filled or just continues its shelf-life as an empty container. Nonetheless, you can use this emoji in both ways.
  • You can also apply this emoji while talking about saving. The empty jar gives out the embarrassing truth that there’s nothing in the “save-up jar” yet!
  • As said in the intro, this emoji is storage. So, it can be used in reference to or even wholly as certain foods like pickles, jam, sauce, or spreads.
  • Now, that doesn’t diminish this emoji’s effectiveness for any other type of food. You could use it while referring to a host of foods, like sugar, coffee, cookies, anything! But, all of them are sadly invisible or they’ve disappeared. Roger! Did you finish the cookies on the shelf?! 🫙
  • Pop culture and aesthetic photography have given jars a whole new look. If you have a jar, you probably caught something really precious in it. Like a jar of hearts or a jar of flies or a jar of self esteem.
  • So, if you’re referring to something that precious or not, something you’d want to keep safe or expose, this emoji would be perfect. For example, “I’m just saving all my swears for later :0 🫙)“.

Other Names

  • 🫙 Glass Jar
  • 🫙 Storage Jar/Space
  • 🫙 Condiments
  • 🫙 Canned Food
  • 🫙 Empty Jar
  • 🫙 Savings/Save Up!
  • 🫙 Glass Container
  • 🫙 Spread/Sauce Jar