📅 Calendar


Monthly Calendar, Per Month, Time, Date, Scheduling, Memories, Announcement

📅 Meaning: A square calendar showing the 17th of July with a minute depiction of the rest of the dates in the month on the top right corner. There’s no mention of the year neither space for it.

Representing a measurement of time, the 📅 Calendar emoji suggests the date and month. This emoji refers to the turning calendar, which could also suggest recorded memories on the calendar as it is not tearable.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 📅 Calendar Emoji

  • 📅 focuses on the monthly divisions of the calendar -it takes it one month at a time. So, if you’re referring to anything that’s per monthly, use 📅. Like, “It’s honestly a monthly struggle for me 📅”.
  • A calendar could also signify ‘schedules’ or the act of ‘scheduling’ something – “Can we push the dates a little? 📅” or “I’m sorry we had to call it a night. We could definitely catch up next weekend 📅”.
  • Use 📅 while referring to time. For instance, “It’s just a matter of time 📅” or “Give it time; days, months, years, whatever it needs 📅”.
  • You could also use 📅 while stating the famous time flies rhetoric.
  • Similarly, 📅 can be brought into contexts that are exactly the opposite of the previous point. For example, “Oh man. January feels like FOREVER away! I just cannot waittt 📅”.
  • And generally, use 📅 while announcing the date(s) for any event either on your social media handle or even in personal messages.

Other Names

  • 📅 Calendar
  • 📅 Turning Calendar
  • 📅 July 17th
  • 📅 Annual Calendar
  • 📅 Yearly Calendar
  • 📅 Almanac
  • 📅 Per Month
  • 📅 Monthly Calendar