📞 Telephone Receiver


Telephone Handset, Phone Number, Landline Receiver, Voicemail, Telephone Line, Phone Number

📞 Meaning: A black telephone receiver designed with a pair of raised square structures on both ends; the top being the speaker and the bottom one, the microphone.

The 📞 Telephone Receiver emoji is a synecdoche for the telephone. It represents communication via the phone on one hand and also a symbol generally used to suggest the ‘Phone Number’ on the other.

Copy and paste this emoji:

How and When to Use the 📞 Telephone Emoji

  • You can use 📞 as a reference to voicemail. It could also point out that your call was forwarded in any given circumstance. For example, “I called him a million times and I left a million voicemails in return 📞”.
  • If you’re texting your best friend about how you hung up on someone or vice versa, use 📞. For instance, “Can you guess what I just did?? Huh?? I HUNG UP ON HER! 📞 ME HER HUNG UP!”
  • If you’re sending someone a text to ‘call me‘ or ‘I will call you’, you can use 📞. Like, “Here’s my number 📞”.
  • 📞 may also be used to represent missed calls; either missed for a reason like voting purposes or because someone was busy.
  • Speaking of ‘busy’, you could also use 📞 to indicate that someone’s telephone line says ‘busy’ – “He’s busy, dude 📞. Called thrice in a row”.
  • Essentially, 📞 can be used as a reference to all jargons used in telephone communications.

Other Names

  • 📞 Handset
  • 📞 Telephone Handset
  • 📞 Receiver
  • 📞 Phone
  • 📞 Landline Receiver
  • 📞 Black Telephone Receiver